The Witcher recounts the story of a monster hunter named Geralt of Rivia. The show’s protagonist fights with all sorts of mythical and scary creatures in a medieval-inspired world. The show’s first season introduces the viewers to Yennefer, Ciri, elf sorcerers, and a powerful princess. As the story follows their separate lives, it becomes clear with time that somehow their destiny is bound with each other. Since season 2 of the show is just around the corner, we look at what we can expect from the upcoming season, the story till now, the trailer, and the possible release dates.
The viewers have introduced protagonists in different timelines in the first season of the show. In 1206 under Tissaia de Vries, Yennefer trains as a sorceress; on the other hand, Geralt fights with outlaws in 1231 while the young princess Cirilla flees the kingdom of Cintara in 1263. Things get clearer as all these different storylines slowly to give the bigger picture. When it is established that the prophesized girl in the jungle was Cirilla, we see that their meeting is hastened. However, we also see a brutal battle with the Nilfgaardians that transpires soon after; Geralt and Cirilla only meet each other in the season 1 finale. However, little is known about Yennefer and her whereabouts.
It has been confirmed that season 2 of the show will see the leads Anya Chalotra, Henry Cavill, and Freya Allen. Several other characters of season 1 will be a part of the show in the upcoming season. This includes Joey Batey, Anna Shaffer, and Tissaia. It has also been reported that we will see a new set of witchers in the new season; Yasen Atour, Paul Bullion, and Joel Adrian are going to play an exciting role. There are also a few other new characters that we can expect to see since season 2 will probably be a bit less mysterious than the previous season.
Netflix is yet to release the trailer for the upcoming season. However, the streaming site has released character-focused stills that might give us a clue about what we can expect from the upcoming season. Following the battle of Sodden Hill, Yennefer can be seen in shackles while Siri is shown to be practicing in Kaer Morhen.
The shooting of season 2 of The Witcher was interrupted by the present healthcare crisis for a few months. However, Netflix has confirmed that the shooting was resumed this August. Although we don’t have a release date yet, the show will probably be released sometime in 2021. The special effects company that is working with the show’s production has been told to complete all the work by June 2021. This means that the show will probably be released sometime in the second half of 2021.
Tim Cross is from Ohio USA. Before he started writing blogs he went through various occupations such as teaching, programming and travelling. But his favorite job is writing blogs for antivirus technology for